Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So behind!

I can't believe how behind I've gotten! Truth be told, I was getting really nervous and couldn't really bring myself to do updates. My symptoms went away pretty quickly and worried me so, I just had a mental block these past few weeks. Let's hope after today, I'll be able to FINALLY relax!

How big is baby?

"Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through it. But fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds, and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future."

 How far along?:  I'm officially 11w6d. So yes, tomorrow I'll be doing the 12w update!

Maternity clothes?: Depends. I've been wearing my maternity pants out of comfort but some of my regular clothes still fit. I'm still blaming the bloat.

Movement: I THINK I felt flutters a few days ago. It felt like little bubbles popping against me. They were low around the pelvis area, and no gas afterwards, so I'm hoping I felt flutters and it wasn't just gas. Lol

Stretch marks?: None yet.

Sleep?: Is still my best friend. Second tri is supposed to have more energy and I'm looking forward to it!

Symptoms?:  Really starting to feel like myself again. Which worried me but, if feeling better is a sign of 2nd tri, bring it on!

Food cravings: Anything.. I'm hungry; all the time! And when I get fixed on something, I HAVE to have it. So far, that's been PB&J. I think I eat 2 sandwiches a day..

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss:  Not a thing. I'm enjoying pregnancy!

What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby!

Milestone: Seeing Spock and his/her little heartbeat again! It was great!

Belly pic (Comparison!)

View from the top!

We had another u/s today! Woot! Spock was measuring right on track and had a heartbeat of 163bpm. We got to see two little legs and feet, two arms and hands and Spock was wiggling around in there something fierce! She got us a profile and a face on shot. (Check out the Face shot! You can see the little arm and hand next to the face on the top!!) She asked us what we thought about the sex in which I said boy, and Geo said "I think it's an Alien". (See the u/s pic below). She just laughed and shook her head. So, she tried to get "the money shot", but it was still a little too early to tell. Which I assumed but, she said sometimes if you can get it just right, you can get a good idea this early on. I didn't have a true NT scan, but she said that she saw nothing that would indicate anything being wrong and didn't think I needed to get to a HR Dr. for the true scan. We met with Dr. M who confirmed that nothing alarming showed up on the u/s, so she didn't recommend a true NT scan, which is fine with me. She then asked if we were going to find out the sex, which I promptly agreed that we were. So, she said she'll let the tech know to look for it next time to see if we can see anything. Which excites me! I've never gotten this far and it's so surreal to be thinking this way!

And without further ado, here's Spock!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

9 weeks!

Another week down!

How big is baby?:
"Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like...well...a baby!"

 How far along?: 9 weeks. 3 more to go in the first trimester!!

Maternity clothes?: Nothing official, but I've learned the rubber band trick for buttoning some of my shorts.

Movement: Not feeling it, but Spock was moving for us at our ultrasound yesterday!

Stretch marks?: None yet.

Sleep?: Is what I look forward to every day. I sleep great except my frequent bathroom trips.

Symptoms?: I'm tired all the time still. I'm finding veins in some interesting places (from the increase in blood flow), and I'm still getting bloated. My nausea is under control and only comes once in a while.

Food cravings: Hotdogs, Mac n cheese, and chicken soup and grilled cheese.

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss:  Not a thing. I'm enjoying pregnancy!

What I'm looking forward to: Getting out of the  first trimester! I want to hit the second tri!

Milestone: Seeing our heartbeat again yesterday and getting past the point of my last loss.

Bump Pic!:

And my new weekly pic: The View from the Top!

In other news:  I've had a great past week! Continuing with the baby news, we had our second u/s yesterday! I was so nervous. Well, nervous is putting it lightly, I was terrified! I was up at 230am the morning of my appointment because I couldn't sleep. I kept running the events of my last loss through my mind. Calling in to work; explaining what happened. Un-telling on Facebook, the hospital visit, the recovery, the depression. I was a wreck. When we finally got there at 730 and got taken back to the room, I laid down and was shaking. I even had tears running down my eyes. The tech was so sweet and rubbed my hand before putting the gel on. Within seconds of putting the wand on my belly, she looked at me and said "Everything is great in there!". I HUGE relief came over me and I really started to cry. She took her measurements, talked to me about what she was doing and all of a sudden she stopped moving the wand and said "Look!". Spock was moving around! His/her little arms and legs were moving around as is he/she was annoyed with all the pushing. It was great and something I'll NEVER forget! She was even nice to sneak me a second picture when she was only supposed to give me one. Check Spock out!

Yes, it's only 1 baby. Some people thought twins because of the double picture. Lol.

In non-baby world, I PASSED MY CLASSES!! Woo hoo!! I will officially be a YSU graduate in August when I walk the stage and get my diploma! I can't wait. I've been waiting 6 long years for this dang degree and I can't wait to get it! I'm looking forward to planning my "Come celebrate Jessica being free from school" party.