Wednesday, November 9, 2011

27 weeks!

How big is baby?

How far along?: 27 weeks. Finally in the 3rd trimester! Yay!

Maternity clothes?:  Yup. I've even grown out some of the pants I bought early on - stupid widening hips! Lol.

Movement: I can actually tell body parts. I distinctly felt a foot tonight.

Stretch marks?: Belly is still stretch mark free.

Sleep?: Blah. I'm so tired all the time. It's like I'm back in the 1st trimester again.

Symptoms?: Same old, same old. Hip and back pain and heartburn at night.

Food cravings: Grilled cheese and tomato soup - yummmm

What I miss: Good sleep

What I'm looking forward to: Registering. Shall be doing that within a week or so.

Milestone: Hitting the 3rd trimester! Ahhhh!! It feels SO weird to be here!

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Other ramblings:  I had my Dr. appointment this past Friday and Eli is doing great. He's already a whole 2 lbs already! She said that's right on track for how far along I am. It just seems so substantial. I got the prescription to get my blood sugar test done and also get my rho-gam shot. Ugh. Two things I was NOT looking forward to. I'll be getting both of those done next week - which means that I shouldn't have to face anymore needles until delivery. And speaking of delivery Geo and I started our birth classes. We went over the 40 week cycle, watched the live birth video, practiced relaxing and breathing techniques and the pain scale. I love our teacher and when I go into labor, I want her to be there as my L&D nurse. Geo did amazing too and I'm so proud of him. I know how much he hates hospitals so I'm so glad he got through it. Just 2 more to get through!