Saturday, January 14, 2012

Weeks 33 - 36

So much has been going on recently! Here's a collective update to week 36!

How big is baby?
"He's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on his own. His skin is getting smooth and soft and his gums are rigid. His liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too."

How far along?: 36 weeks - 4 to go! Ahh!!

Maternity clothes?: Are aaammmaazziiinngg.. I may never go back to regular clothes!

Movement: Has started to hurt. He's so squished in there that it's actually painful sometimes when he stretches.

Stretch marks?: Oh yeah - they came out of no where in the past week or so. Booo..

Sleep?: Sucks. I hurt when I lay on my side for too long, I miss sleeping on my back and stomach and every time I move I wake up and have to pee.

Symptoms?: Heartburn is still a bi*ch, Braxton Hicks contractions hurt and I'm sore all over. I'm d.o.n.e!

Food cravings: No big cravings.. I've never really had any this pregnancy.

What I miss: Good sleep and wine!

What I'm looking forward to: This up coming week to be over - it's my last at work!

Milestone: Weekly appointments, getting everything ready for Eli and a possible eviction date!

Bump pics:


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