Saturday, August 27, 2011

16 weeks!

 Yay for 16 weeks! Each week just seems to be more substaintial than the last. 4 more weeks until half baked!

How big is baby?:

"Stay on the lookout for some fluttering sensations in your abdomen. It might not be right at 16 weeks, but pretty soon you’ll start feeling baby moving around in there. At first those moves might feel like gas or a muscle twitch, but over time, as baby gets bigger and stronger, they’ll be unmistakable. Of course, feeling those movements comes with other issues, like having your lungs crowded by your growing babe. That could make it seem tough to catch your breath from time to time. Don’t worry: There are some positive symptoms you might be having at week 16. For example, some moms-to-be find their hair and nails grow faster. (Your hair might actually look thicker and more lustrous and your skin might look radiant, too. Woo hoo!) Another cool fact? Baby’s starting to be able to hear your voice -- and he’ll recognize it at birth -- so feel free to chat him up."

How far along?: 16 weeks

Maternity clothes?: Love 'em! I need to go get some more pants since the weather is cooling down.

Movement: I think I've been feeling flutters every one in awhile, but they're never consistent.

Stretch marks?: None

Sleep?: Is rough this week. I wake up a lot, move around and my hips hurt. I think I need to go pick up a body pillow.

Symptoms?:  I find it hard to catch my breath sometimes. I think it's due to my organs shifting around in there. I really think I popped this past week too!

Food cravings: Not much. I'm actually not as hungry as I used to be either.

What I miss: A good night's sleep

What I'm looking forward to: The baby consistently moving. My next couple Dr.'s appointments where I'll be seeing Spock a lot.

Milestone: Feeling him move around more!

Belly Pic:

View from the Top:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

15 weeks!

Wow, for some reason 15 weeks seems much more substantial than any of the others so far.. Maybe it's just my realization that this is actually real and going to happen!

How big is baby?

 "Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet."

 How far along?: 15 weeks! Holy cow! 175 days to go!

Maternity clothes?: Pants only still. My work pants fit but, other than that I'm stretchy yoga pants or maternity pants.

Movement: Still waiting to feel those flutters again!

Stretch marks?: Nope

Sleep?: Is good. I'm not waking up as much to pee at night.

Symptoms?: Still tired all the time it seems like, and my acne is kicking in again.. Ugh.

Food cravings: I'm back to hotdogs, but I'm not giving in like last time! Lol..

What I miss: My nice skin.

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling the baby, and getting the sex confirmed (which I don't think the tech was wrong yesterday..) at our A/S ultrasound.

Milestone: Finding out the sex! Totally not expecting it so early!

Bump Pic!:

 View from the Top:

Yesterday I got to see Spock again! Geo couldn't make it to the ultrasound, so my mom went. She really enjoyed it and I recommend that to ANY pregnant woman, especially if their mom never had ultrasounds. She was fascinated seeing the baby move and seeing the heartbeat flicker. The tech started by checking to see the sex of the baby. Spock, being Spock, was uncooperative and wouldn't uncross his/her legs. She tried for a good 10 minutes to see if the baby would move, but nope, no luck. So she moved on and took her other measurements she needed. We saw the stomach, the brain and all 4 little chambers of the heart beating. It was AMAZING! I was so pumped to see that little heart beating away and ALL FOUR chambers in place and working. Spock was being the little wiggle worm I know and love and was giving the tech a run for her money. After she got all her measurements done, she tried again to catch the sex of the baby and BAM!

We have a little BOY on our hands!! I was blown away. She wasn't just 80% sure, she was definitely 100% sure that it's a boy. From that picture (I'm not expert), I'd say it's hard to be unsure. I got my picture, cleaned up and went in to see the Dr. My weight gain is good and blood pressure is solid. As soon as my Dr. walked in, the first words out of her mouth were "Well, looks like you can go shopping!". I even questioned if it was that accurate this soon and she explained that she herself (My Dr.) had not second guessed the picture and told me that my tech has 15-20 years under her belt and wouldn't have said anything if she wasn't that confident. So, I got my prescription for my quad screening blood work, my next Dr appt is set and my A/S ultrasound with the high risk Dr. is set also! September is going to be a month filled with Spock! After my appointment, I went to Geo's work and showed him the ultrasound. Once he knew what he was looking at, he walked about showing everyone his son's "pee pee". He started with a more inappropriate word but, I made him tone it down. I can't believe I'm officially Team Blue!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Weeks 13 and 14

Wow, I suck at keeping this blog updated. I promise to do better, and I'm proving this by doing week 14, the day I actually turn 14 weeks! Here it does...

How big is baby?

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine, and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys, and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over her body for warmth.

 How far along?:  14 weeks!! 2nd tri baby!!!

Maternity clothes?:  Love them! Shirts are still unnecessary but my pants are glorious.

Movement: Still nothing.. I still check all the time though!

Stretch marks?: None. But I'm getting itchy!

Sleep?:  Would be wonderful if I didn't have to share a bed with a bed hog (Love you hunny!) and two dogs... We need a bigger bed..

Symptoms?: Indegestion.. Woo. I also had my first migraine this past Monday. So not fun.

Food cravings:  Nothing really, still hungry all the time though.

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss:  Wine, and I'm sure beer once football season gets into full swing.

What I'm looking forward to: My appointment next week! She'll be checking to see if we can determine the sex yet!

Milestone: Everyday is a milestone it seems like.

Belly pics! Comparison of week 13 to week 14

Views from the top - 13 to 14 weeks! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

12 weeks!

How big is baby? - We're a plum this week!

"As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of her systems are fully formed."

 How far along?:  12 weeks! My last week in the first trimester!

Maternity clothes?: Are heaven. Tops are not necessary but I love my maternity pants.

Movement: Nope. Nothing since my last "flutter" episode.

Stretch marks?: Nothing..

Sleep?: Yes please!

Symptoms?:  Still getting some stretchy feelings and some are calling it RLP or Round Ligament Pains.

Food cravings: Nothing specific still, but I notice I tend to pick carb filled foods.

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss:  A uninterrupted night of sleep! And sleeping in!

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling the baby move.

Milestone: Hearing Spock's heartbeat! (Read below)

Belly pic: (No view from the top as I had Geo take this picture)

In other news: Well, Spock does know how to piss mommy off. He/she is officially grounded til they're 18. I had a wonderful ultrasound last Wednesday and Spock measured on track (as noted below). After I got home from work on Wednesday, I was eating dinner. I stood up and felt a rush of fluid. Like, I thought I pee'd myself. I went to the bathroom to bright red blood. Called my on call Dr. and while she didn't seem overly concerned, she did say I could go to the ER if I wish. I gave it an hour or so to see if the bleeding would stop, but when it didn't, I decided I needed to go. As soon as Geo got home, I started to cry nd off we went. I'll spare you all the details of my 5 hour trip, but in the end Spock was still doing great and no source could be found for my bleeding. Thursday, I bought a doppler. Fast forward to yesterday and I had my follow up appointment with the Dr. She said nothing came back alarming and while bleeding isn't normal, it is common. My RhoGam shot I received will hold me over for 13 weeks so if for whatever reason I bleed again, I don't have to go to the ER for the shot. She then snuck me in for a quick ultrasound and I got to see Spock again.

This weird angle picture was the best one she could get for me because Spock was bouncing around so much. They tech said "Well, there obviously isn't anything wrong with this child!" I was probably with her twice as long as I should have been due to her not being able to get solid measurements.When I got home from work on Monday, my doppler had arrived! I opened it right away and Geo and I heard the heartbeat loud and clear in the upper 150's - lower 160's which is where the HB has been with pretty much every ultrasound. I'll have Geo take a video so I can upload it and everyone can hear it.