Tuesday, August 2, 2011

12 weeks!

How big is baby? - We're a plum this week!

"As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of her systems are fully formed."

 How far along?:  12 weeks! My last week in the first trimester!

Maternity clothes?: Are heaven. Tops are not necessary but I love my maternity pants.

Movement: Nope. Nothing since my last "flutter" episode.

Stretch marks?: Nothing..

Sleep?: Yes please!

Symptoms?:  Still getting some stretchy feelings and some are calling it RLP or Round Ligament Pains.

Food cravings: Nothing specific still, but I notice I tend to pick carb filled foods.

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss:  A uninterrupted night of sleep! And sleeping in!

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling the baby move.

Milestone: Hearing Spock's heartbeat! (Read below)

Belly pic: (No view from the top as I had Geo take this picture)

In other news: Well, Spock does know how to piss mommy off. He/she is officially grounded til they're 18. I had a wonderful ultrasound last Wednesday and Spock measured on track (as noted below). After I got home from work on Wednesday, I was eating dinner. I stood up and felt a rush of fluid. Like, I thought I pee'd myself. I went to the bathroom to bright red blood. Called my on call Dr. and while she didn't seem overly concerned, she did say I could go to the ER if I wish. I gave it an hour or so to see if the bleeding would stop, but when it didn't, I decided I needed to go. As soon as Geo got home, I started to cry nd off we went. I'll spare you all the details of my 5 hour trip, but in the end Spock was still doing great and no source could be found for my bleeding. Thursday, I bought a doppler. Fast forward to yesterday and I had my follow up appointment with the Dr. She said nothing came back alarming and while bleeding isn't normal, it is common. My RhoGam shot I received will hold me over for 13 weeks so if for whatever reason I bleed again, I don't have to go to the ER for the shot. She then snuck me in for a quick ultrasound and I got to see Spock again.

This weird angle picture was the best one she could get for me because Spock was bouncing around so much. They tech said "Well, there obviously isn't anything wrong with this child!" I was probably with her twice as long as I should have been due to her not being able to get solid measurements.When I got home from work on Monday, my doppler had arrived! I opened it right away and Geo and I heard the heartbeat loud and clear in the upper 150's - lower 160's which is where the HB has been with pretty much every ultrasound. I'll have Geo take a video so I can upload it and everyone can hear it.


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