Monday, June 10, 2013

8 weeks and 1st ultrasound!

8 weeks down, 4 to go! Things are finally starting to look good!

How big is baby?:

"Your baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy."

How far along?: 8w5d.

Maternity clothes?: Yes.

Movement:  Still too soon.

Stretch marks?: Still have the oldies.

Sleep?: Is the greatest!

Symptoms?: Still tired. Feeling nauseous all the time. Emotional. Some slight constipation - yay! *eye roll*

Food cravings: Chocolate and ice cream. Even better if they are combined!

Belly button in or out?: Innie.

What I miss:  Not too much this week.

What I'm looking forward to:  Making it to the second tri! Not too long now!

Milestone: Our *great* ultrasound today!
Belly Pic: 
Well, today was our first ultrasound for baby Yoda. I was terrified. Geo was there with me so he did his best to keep me calm, but nothing could keep me from shaking on the table. Thankfully, the tech got right to it and even before I got to see the screen, she told me that there was a heartbeat! Cue the tears. As she got the measurements, she informed us there was only 1 baby (Geo got off lucky!) and had me hold my breath as she got the HB, which was a nice, strong 171. (So, maybe a girl?!) Yoda was also measuring ahead at 8w5d - so my new EDD is January 15th. 
When she was done, she turned the screen and we got to see our Yoda - with the little flickering HB! I'm finally starting to accept this pregnancy. I'm at the point where things usually fall apart and it's great to be safe, at least for today. 

Here's Yoda! 



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