Friday, September 30, 2011

21 weeks!

19 weeks to go! The countdown is on!

How big is baby?

"Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch."

How far along?: 21 weeks. Time is flying by!

Maternity clothes?:  Headed out to find some more jeans tomorrow. Winter is upon us and my 1 pair isn't going to cut it!

Movement: Bladder kicks.. enough said.

Stretch marks?: Still none.

Sleep?: The past few nights I've actual slept through the night. It is amazing.

Symptoms?: None really. Feeling amazing actually.

Food cravings: Not much. I'm just always hungry.

What I miss: Not a thing

What I'm looking forward to meeting Eli! I can't wait (well, I CAN but, you know what I mean) to meet him.

Milestone: Getting this far. I can honestly admit that I never thought I'd get there.

Bump Pic:

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

20 weeks!

I'm so incredibly excited to be half way done! Time is FLYING by!!

How big is baby?

Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!

How far along?: 20 weeks! I made it half way through!

Maternity clothes?:  Awesome. I wore my first full maternity outfit the other day. Sooo comfy!

Movement: He's so much more pronounced! And Geo got to feel him last night for the first time! He was kinda excited!

Stretch marks?: Still none.

Sleep?: Between this stupid head cold and restlessness, I still can't sleep through the night.

Symptoms?: Still got the hip pain.

Food cravings: Since I've gotten sick, I want chicken soup, all.the.time.

What I miss: Sleep and not having to blow my stupid nose..

What I'm looking forward to: Getting to register and planning the shower.

Milestone: Seeing "Spock" this past Tuesday! Read below for more info.

Belly Pic:

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In other news: We had our A/S ultrasound this past Tuesday. It was a super fancy hi-tech place. The room we were in had a TV on the wall in front of the chairs so we could watch the whole ultrasound. The Dr. came in and all in all, it was a pretty quick ultrasound considering everything he checked. We got to do the 4D pics first and it was so fun to see him that way. Sadly, it looks like the poor kid got my nose. =(  He then re-confirmed that my Dr. was correct in telling us Spock was a boy. Thank God.. I would have had a ton of clothes to return! His wardrobe is rivaling mine. He then did the ultrasound and everything looked good! The only concern he has was that his kidneys are inflamed. It's a minor inflammation and something he just wants to monitor monthly. It's common in boys with the development of their urinary tract and can cause urine to back up, which causes the swelling. He said a couple things..

1) It will more than likely correct itself before he's born. But he's monitoring just in case it does get worse.

2) If it does get worse, they won't treat in the womb. Once he's born, it's not even an issue that would require any surgeries or anything. In fact, surgery would do more damage than the actual problem.

3) It CAN be a soft marker for Down's, but since everything else on the ultrasound was good, and all my blood work came back good, he's putting our chances for Down's at less than 1%.

So all in all, it's something that is livable and no cause for any major concern. Of course, it's MY child so I'm worried but I thank God daily that if this is the only health issue we'll have, I'm ready for the challenge. He also has a name! We've decided on Eli Harrison. Harrison is Geo's middle name, so we kept it and Eli just "fit" for him. I'm so over the moon happy that everything is good and I finally feel like I can relax and ENJOY this pregnancy! And without any more rambling, here's Eli!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

19 weeks!

1 week until half baked!!

How big is baby?:
 "Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature."

How far along?: 19 weeks

Maternity clothes?:  Still rockin 'em. I'll be needing to stock up on my jeans though, it's gotten cold outside, quick!

Movement: Still a little wiggle worm. They're getting more definate by the day. Still waiting for my first official "kick" though.

Stretch marks?: None

Sleep?: It's been rough recently. I'm super restless and I'm finding it hard to fall asleep.

Symptoms?: Hips are still hurting. And heartburn is back.. yay :sarcasm:

Food cravings: Nothing really. I just like eating.

What I miss: Sleep!

What I'm looking forward to: My A/S ultrasound on Tuesday! It's getting so close!

Milestone: Being pregnant!

Belly Pic:

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

18 Weeks!

2 more weeks until half baked! Woo hoo!

How big is baby?
"What the heck is baby doing in there at 18 weeks? A lot! He’s working his muscles and practicing all kinds of moves. (Can you feel them yet?) Over the next few weeks, you should make sure to start sleeping on your side. That’s because baby (and your uterus) are getting big enough to press against large veins in the back of your abdomen, which can reduce the amount of blood going to your heart, making you feel lightheaded, or worse, lowering your blood pressure. Of course, your veins aren’t the only things that are prone to pressure -- you might be too! Not only are you super busy, but you might be having some not-so-fun symptoms, like swollen feet or hands, backaches, leg cramps and nosebleeds. And the stress and discomfort might be keeping you up at night around week 18. Be sure, in your hectic schedule, that you plan some time to unwind. (Great excuse for some pregnancy pampering! Can you say prenatal massage?!) It’s important to give your body and your mind a break for a little while. 
That just might help you get the sleep you need, too."

How far along?: 18 weeks!

Maternity clothes?:  Love them! I was also introduced to the bellaband (Thanks Bobbie!) and it works amazing with my non-maternity pants. I also scored some cute tops over the Labor Day weekend sales!

Movement: Holy cow! He flipped tonight and the movement was so hard that it startled me! I'm loving the movement.

Stretch marks?: I thought I spotted one, but it just turns out it was an indent from my shirt I was wearing.. Lol.

Sleep?: Getting better since I bought a body pillow. I'm still getting used to it, but my hips are thankful.

Symptoms?: Pain. Nothing serious but my hips and back hurt after a long day. Headaches are more frequent.

Food cravings: Water. I love water. I prefer resteraunt water over water from home. But, when I drink water from home, it tastes better through a straw. Yeah - I don't get it either..

What I miss: Wine. We were at a wine store on Labor Day and they were giving samples.. I couldn't have any.. =(

What I'm looking forward to: My A/S ultrasound on the 20th.

Milestone: Everyday he kicks me is a milestone!

Belly Pic:

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In other news: Well, I went a little crazy on Labor Day with the sales. I got SO much clothes, it's ridiculous. But the sales we're amazing as well! I couldn't help myself. When you get clearance items for an additional 80% off, you don't pass that up! My appointment on the 7th went well, but I was bummed because I didn't get an ultrasound. But - she let me hear the heartbeat! It was amazing. I love hearing his little heart pump away in there. I got info on child birth classes and breast feeding classes. Eeek! You know this pregnancy is "real" when you get info on how to bring a child into this world. I got a lot of things to learn in 22 weeks. Lol. The house hunt is still on and we're looking at 3 more houses tomorrow. We've found 1 or 2 we like, but I'm still waiting to be blown away. I have a feeling I'll "know" it's the right house when I walk in. 9 days til my A/S ultrasound!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

17 Weeks!

The countdown is on to Half Baked - 3 weeks to go!!

How big is baby?:

"Try not to get freaked out by the numbers on your scale. At 17 weeks, baby’s working on getting stronger, and your body’s working on getting bigger. That means putting on some pounds and -- we hate to break it to you -- getting some stretch marks. Make sure you document your growing bump by taking lots of photos. Sure, you might not always feel so pretty, but one day you’re going to look back at pregnancy and reminisce (really -- we promise). You’ll also want to start figuring out some plans, like whether or not you’re going to find out baby’s gender (you should be able to soon!), and what kind of childbirth class you’d like to take. As you start making these decisions, the pregnancy will feel even more real, which is probably super exciting, but part of you is probably feeling a little nervous. After all, you’re at week 17; that’s almost halfway there and there’s still a lot left to do. Chill! You’ll get it done. Just remember not to try to do it all yourself -- ask for help!"

How far along?: 17 weeks

Maternity clothes?:  Are good! They're having a great sale this weekend at Motherhood Maternity so, I shall check out some deals!

Movement: He's a swimmy little fish in there. Still lower abdomen and it's never consistent, but I feel it more!

Stretch marks?: None and let's hope it stays that way!

Sleep?: Still rough. I really need to go get that body pillow, hopefully that'll help.

Symptoms?:  Nothing new. Well, I lied. Milk has been making my stomach upset so, I don't know what's going on there.

Food cravings: If it's salty, carb-y and meat-y, I want it.

What I miss: Nothing really.

What I'm looking forward to: My appointment on Wednesday to see Spock again! And re-confirm he's still a boy!

Milestone: More consistent movement and actually looking pregnant!

Belly Pic:
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