Sunday, September 25, 2011

20 weeks!

I'm so incredibly excited to be half way done! Time is FLYING by!!

How big is baby?

Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!

How far along?: 20 weeks! I made it half way through!

Maternity clothes?:  Awesome. I wore my first full maternity outfit the other day. Sooo comfy!

Movement: He's so much more pronounced! And Geo got to feel him last night for the first time! He was kinda excited!

Stretch marks?: Still none.

Sleep?: Between this stupid head cold and restlessness, I still can't sleep through the night.

Symptoms?: Still got the hip pain.

Food cravings: Since I've gotten sick, I want chicken soup, all.the.time.

What I miss: Sleep and not having to blow my stupid nose..

What I'm looking forward to: Getting to register and planning the shower.

Milestone: Seeing "Spock" this past Tuesday! Read below for more info.

Belly Pic:

View From The Top:

In other news: We had our A/S ultrasound this past Tuesday. It was a super fancy hi-tech place. The room we were in had a TV on the wall in front of the chairs so we could watch the whole ultrasound. The Dr. came in and all in all, it was a pretty quick ultrasound considering everything he checked. We got to do the 4D pics first and it was so fun to see him that way. Sadly, it looks like the poor kid got my nose. =(  He then re-confirmed that my Dr. was correct in telling us Spock was a boy. Thank God.. I would have had a ton of clothes to return! His wardrobe is rivaling mine. He then did the ultrasound and everything looked good! The only concern he has was that his kidneys are inflamed. It's a minor inflammation and something he just wants to monitor monthly. It's common in boys with the development of their urinary tract and can cause urine to back up, which causes the swelling. He said a couple things..

1) It will more than likely correct itself before he's born. But he's monitoring just in case it does get worse.

2) If it does get worse, they won't treat in the womb. Once he's born, it's not even an issue that would require any surgeries or anything. In fact, surgery would do more damage than the actual problem.

3) It CAN be a soft marker for Down's, but since everything else on the ultrasound was good, and all my blood work came back good, he's putting our chances for Down's at less than 1%.

So all in all, it's something that is livable and no cause for any major concern. Of course, it's MY child so I'm worried but I thank God daily that if this is the only health issue we'll have, I'm ready for the challenge. He also has a name! We've decided on Eli Harrison. Harrison is Geo's middle name, so we kept it and Eli just "fit" for him. I'm so over the moon happy that everything is good and I finally feel like I can relax and ENJOY this pregnancy! And without any more rambling, here's Eli!


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