Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Weeks 8 and 9

I know I'm late, but my mind is getting the best of me. I wasn't this anxious with Eli, and I think this time around I am because it's within the same time frame of my first that I lost. We wouldn't find out for about 2 more weeks, but this is about the time when my last pregnancy ended. I go Monday for an ultrasound so I'm just hoping and praying that this pregnancy won't end like my first. Poor Eli is sick and the Christmas hustle and bustle is keeping my mind busy, but when I sit down with time on my hands, I start to think. But, never fear - here is my 8 and 9 week check in!

How big is baby:

"Now she weighs in (yay!) at about .04 ounces and measures about .63 inches.
 This week, she's growing about a milimeter each day."
" We are now a fetues! She's gaining steam! At 9 weeks, your fetus measures around 
.9 inches and weighs about .07 ounces."
How far along?: 9 weeks! 3 to go until 2nd trimester!

Maternity clothes?: I've been living in them.

Movement:  Not that I can feel

Stretch marks?: The ones from Eli are fading! Yay!

Sleep?: Still pretty awesome!

Symptoms?: Still tired. I've been getting RLP (round ligament pain) as well. Ouch! And the gas bubbles don't feel all that great either.

Food cravings: Eh.. I have a love/hate relationship with food.

Belly button in or out?: Innie still.I hope it doesn't pop out this time.

What I miss:  A good glass of wine.

What I'm looking forward to:  Monday for the ultrasound.

Milestone: We'll get to one Monday so long as the ultrasound is good.

Belly Pic(s):


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