Thursday, June 30, 2011

8 Weeks!

Holy cow am I behind. A lot has been going on the past few weeks, but I start with my weekly update!

How big is baby: (Comparison to last week since I didn't get to update!)

"Baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs, and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy."

 How far along?: 8 weeks today! 4 more in the first trimester!

Weight gain?: Haven't weighed myself but I've put on the pounds.

Maternity clothes?: Not yet.

Movement: No, but apparently Spock is dancing around in there!

Stretch marks?: Not yet.

Sleep?:  I feel like I can't get enough! Two nights in a row I came home from work, took a nap, woke up and went to bed. I'm tired all.the.time!

Symptoms?: .I got sick for the first time yesterday. Sadly it was while I was in the shower but, I got excited afterwards! Lol. Still tired but the girls have stopped hurting for the most part. Bloating comes and goes.

Food cravings: Anything salty.

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss:  Nothing really.. Well maybe except pop.

What I'm looking forward to: My next ultrasound this upcoming Wednesday. I really freaking out.

Milestone: Feeling pregnant!

Bump Pic! (Another comparison to last week. )

Holy bloat batman..


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