Friday, October 14, 2011

23 Weeks!

How big is baby?

How far along?: 23 weeks! 2nd week as a papaya, 1 week til V-Day and 17 weeks to go!

Maternity clothes?:Yes please! Also some of my non maternity clothes that looked cute when I first started to show, don't fit anymore! Yikes..

Movement: Is awesome. I feel him so much more now, and it's not all lower anymore. I feel him around my belly button and higher.

Stretch marks?: Still looking good!

Sleep?: Would be wonderful if I didn't have to get up 3 times a night to pee.

Symptoms?: Indigestion and hip pain.. Woo.

Food cravings: Orange juice. I've been drinking a gallon a week.

What I miss: Not much this week.

What I'm looking forward to:My appointments on Tuesday (my birthday!) so I can see Eli again.

Milestone: Getting told I had the "pregnancy glow" today. I really just think I was hot and sweating!! Lol.

Bump pic:

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