Tuesday, October 18, 2011

24 weeks! (And 2 days..)

First off- Happy Birthday to me! I've made it to the big 2-5. And I got the best birthday gift ever today - I got to see Eli!

Second - I'm doing my 24 week update early because my due date has changed --
I had my follow up ultrasound to at the high risk Dr. Eli is looking good and has consistently measured ahead so they moved my due date up to the 5th instead of the 9th! Woo hoo! I know it's only four days but, I'll take what I can get. I had gotten to my HUGE milestone of viability week and hadn't even know it.  His kidneys are still slightly inflamed, but since they're growing on track with him, my Dr. told me to look at this as good news since it hasn't gotten worse. He even scheduled my follow up 6 weeks out instead of 4 so, I'm not worrying until he does. I also had my first NST. They hooked me all up to the monitor and within minutes of doing so, Eli kicked the sensors. He obviously doesn't like being monitored.. Lol. He continued to do it multiple times through the whole 20 minutes. I am so in love with him already.

Here is my 24 week update!

How big is baby?

How far along?: 24 weeks and 2 days. I made it to viability week! This is my last week as a papaya and 15 weeks, 5 days to go!

Maternity clothes?: Are amazing. I need to get more jeans!

Movement: Still not as consistent as I'd like (he has lazy days). But, when he is moving, I can see it from the outside.

Stretch marks?: My girls have gotten them =(  I'm guessing it's only a matter of time til my belly gets them.

Sleep?: Still very interrupted with pains and pee breaks.

Symptoms?: Heartburn, aches and pain in my back and hips and I've randomly broke out this week.. Yay =/

Food cravings: Orange juice still.

What I miss: Alright, I'm going to admit it. Alcohol! I so wanted a drink to celebrate my birthday. I settled on pop instead..

What I'm looking forward to: Reaching the 3rd trimester -woot!

Milestone: Making it to V-day and knowing that Eli is doing good!

Birthday edit Bump Pic:


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