Monday, November 26, 2012

7 weeks! Turkey Day edition

With all the craziness of the Thanksgiving holiday, I'm a little late here. But, I got some amazing deals in my Black Friday shopping craziness so it was worth it!

How big is baby?:
 "Your .51-inch embryo doesn't exactly tip the scales just yet but she's developing like crazy. 
She's already doubled in size since last week."

How far along?: 7 weeks! Yay!

Maternity clothes?: Still in the jeans! I live in my yoga pants too.

Movement: Not yet.

Stretch marks?: Just the ones left over from last time.

Sleep?: Still pretty awesome!

Symptoms?: Tired, tired and tired! The heartburn is coming back too.

Food cravings: I had one today! Grilled cheese.. Yum!!

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss:  My energy and nice hair.

What I'm looking forward to:  The end of the 1st trimester!

Milestone: Getting through Black Friday shopping intact!

Belly Pic: This is from Thanksgiving, which is why it's a day late!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

We have a heartbeat!

I am so excited!! I know a HB doesn't mean that things still can't go wrong, but at least for today, I'm happily pregnant. We got to the office right at 730 and sat and waited. And waited. And waited some more. Obviously the u/s tech was running late because I didn't even get back until almost 8. Anyway, I got undressed and sat and waited. I was shaking I was so nervous. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over my anxiety when I go for ultrasounds. So, the tech came in, someone new this time, and explained how this would work. In my head I'm screaming "I've done this already, just get on with it!!!", but I was polite and kept my mouth shut. She informed me that the earliest she's ever seen a HB on this machine was 5w6d. Well, I'm happy to announce I beat her record!!!

(The little speck in the red circle is Baby Padawan!)

Little Padawan was measuring  5w5d and had a HB of 104! I was a little nervous at first since I know 104 is low, but she assured me that it's perfectly normal since HB probably started beating within the last 24 hours so it was acceptable. *huge sigh of relief*  I go again on 12/10 for another ultrasound, so hopefully *crosses fingers* everything will still be good and we can announce this pregnancy around Christmas!!

Today I am ABSOLUTELY pregnant and I LOVE my baby!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

6 weeks!

Tomorrow at 730 am, I have my first ultrasound. I'm feeling so conflicted. I'm excited and terrified all at the same time. Even though my pregnancy with Eli was smooth sailing, the terrifying feeling of a possible miscarriage never goes away. I'll be back tomorrow to update on how it goes.

How big is baby?:

 "The average embryo at week 6 is about .25 inches and will double in size again next week. Wow!"

How far along?: 6 weeks! Half way through the 1st trimester!

Maternity clothes?: Still in the jeans.

Movement: Not even close.

Stretch marks?: Just the ones left over from last time.

Sleep?: Is a-mazing. I can't believe how tired I am. Was it this way with Eli?

Symptoms?: Sleepy, nauseous after I eat.

Food cravings: Still none. Nothing sounds good.. :-(

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss:  My energy!

What I'm looking forward to: My ultrasound tomorrow.

Milestone: Making it half way through the 1st trimester!

Belly Pic:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

5 weeks!

It seems like I was just doing my 4 week check in. Guess time flies when your due date gets moved forward!

How big is baby?: An appleseed!

"Your embryo is now measurable -- though at week five, it's a wee .13 inches -- and she's gearing up for much more growth. In fact, in the next week, she'll almost double in size. Grow baby grow!"

How far along?: 5 weeks.

Maternity clothes?: The jeans are out. I can still wear certain non-maternity jeans but they are not as comfy.

Movement: Just my gassy kicks! Lol.

Stretch marks?: Just the ones left over from last time.

Sleep?: Is good when it's here. I can't seem to unwind at night.

Symptoms?: Sleepy. Crampy again. My stomach is always icky.

Food cravings: None. Nothing sounds appealing which sucks when I know I have to eat. Blech.

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss: Enjoying food!

What I'm looking forward to: Shopping on Saturday. Hoping to score some cheap summer maternity clothes.

Milestone: Making it to 5 weeks.

Bump Pic:

Monday, November 5, 2012

First Baby Dr. Appointment!

First off, I just have to announce we've nicked named this LO! Since Eli was Spock (To "Live long and Prospure") and a Star Trek reference, we've decided to go with a Star Wars reference this time. We chose Padawan! We chose this because a Padawan is a jedi in training and this LO is currently a baby in training! 

Today I had my first appointment with my OB. I got weighed, peed in a cup, got my blood pressure checked. The nurse talked to me and declared a due date of July 10th. I'm going to do my check in's based on that date, but I know it will probably change when I get my first ultrasound. Then my Dr. came in and had the biggest smile on her face. Her first words were "I'm so happy to see you here!! I love it when my nice patients come back with good news!" This made me smile. I had a rough start with my OB with my first pregnancy and I'm glad we've gotten to this point. I voiced some questions I had and we chatted for a bit. I got my blood work script and my papers of Do's and Don'ts during pregnancy and I was on my way. Pretty much what I was expecting for a first appointment. I'm too early to see anything on an ultrasound so I'm going back on the 15th. With the due date of the 10th, that will put me at 6w 1d. Still a little early but we should be able to see something. Then it was off for the dreaded blood work. Ugh. I knew they'd take a zillion, well only 5, vials of blood from me and I can't stand getting my blood drawn. It's not even the losing of the blood. It's the feeling of the needle in my arm. And to top it off, it moved every time she switched the vials! I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. The lady was really nice and put me in the reclining chair and gave me some OJ to sip on. Thankfully this is the last time they'll take this much from me. Be back in a few days with my 5 week check in!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

4 Weeks

Here we are, 4 weeks! Only 8 to go until the 2nd trimester. It still seems surreal to be pregnant again. I took at test today, at 16DPO, and the test line was darker than the control line! I go for my first appointment tomorrow so I'll be updating again on how it goes.

"At 4 weeks, your baby, now known as a blastocyst, is practically microscopic -- a teeny ball of cells. She's busy settling into her new home (your uterus), prepping for all the crucial development she'll be doing over the next six weeks.  "

How far along?: 4 weeks! (Well, 4w2d)

Maternity clothes?: This bloat is killing me. The jeans may be coming out soon.

Movement: Way too early.

Stretch marks?: Just the ones left over from last time.

Sleep?: Is great. I can't kick this tiredness.

Symptoms?: Still sleepy. My boobs have been hurting too.

Food cravings: None yet.

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss: Energy

What I'm looking forward to: My appointment tomorrow! Can't believe it's almost here.

Milestone: My test today! I love seeing the test line darker than the control.

Bump Pic:

Ick! I didn't realize how dirty the mirror was! Guess I need to go clean it. I'll be back tomorrow to update on my appointment!