Thursday, November 15, 2012

We have a heartbeat!

I am so excited!! I know a HB doesn't mean that things still can't go wrong, but at least for today, I'm happily pregnant. We got to the office right at 730 and sat and waited. And waited. And waited some more. Obviously the u/s tech was running late because I didn't even get back until almost 8. Anyway, I got undressed and sat and waited. I was shaking I was so nervous. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over my anxiety when I go for ultrasounds. So, the tech came in, someone new this time, and explained how this would work. In my head I'm screaming "I've done this already, just get on with it!!!", but I was polite and kept my mouth shut. She informed me that the earliest she's ever seen a HB on this machine was 5w6d. Well, I'm happy to announce I beat her record!!!

(The little speck in the red circle is Baby Padawan!)

Little Padawan was measuring  5w5d and had a HB of 104! I was a little nervous at first since I know 104 is low, but she assured me that it's perfectly normal since HB probably started beating within the last 24 hours so it was acceptable. *huge sigh of relief*  I go again on 12/10 for another ultrasound, so hopefully *crosses fingers* everything will still be good and we can announce this pregnancy around Christmas!!

Today I am ABSOLUTELY pregnant and I LOVE my baby!!


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