Sunday, November 4, 2012

4 Weeks

Here we are, 4 weeks! Only 8 to go until the 2nd trimester. It still seems surreal to be pregnant again. I took at test today, at 16DPO, and the test line was darker than the control line! I go for my first appointment tomorrow so I'll be updating again on how it goes.

"At 4 weeks, your baby, now known as a blastocyst, is practically microscopic -- a teeny ball of cells. She's busy settling into her new home (your uterus), prepping for all the crucial development she'll be doing over the next six weeks.  "

How far along?: 4 weeks! (Well, 4w2d)

Maternity clothes?: This bloat is killing me. The jeans may be coming out soon.

Movement: Way too early.

Stretch marks?: Just the ones left over from last time.

Sleep?: Is great. I can't kick this tiredness.

Symptoms?: Still sleepy. My boobs have been hurting too.

Food cravings: None yet.

Belly button in or out?: Innie

What I miss: Energy

What I'm looking forward to: My appointment tomorrow! Can't believe it's almost here.

Milestone: My test today! I love seeing the test line darker than the control.

Bump Pic:

Ick! I didn't realize how dirty the mirror was! Guess I need to go clean it. I'll be back tomorrow to update on my appointment!


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